Shubhangi Gupta

Ph.D., Human-Computer Interaction, Georgia Tech

I'm actively looking for full-time positions in HCI, Social Science, or UX Research. ✨

My research employs qualitative and participatory methods to study how users perceive, relate to, and experience the workings and effects of AI. With my research, I aim to inform the design of responsible, safe, and human-centered AI tools.


Shubhangi Gupta. 2023. Mapping the Smart City: Participatory approaches to XAI. In Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23 Companion)

Shubhangi Gupta and Yanni Alexander Loukissas. 2023. Making Smart Cities Explainable: What XAI Can Learn from the “Ghost Map”. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23)



Aug 2024: Graduated with a PhD in Digital Media from Georgia Tech! 🎓

June-Nov 2023: I conducted 8 participatory mapping workshops with community groups including non-profits, educators, urban planners, etc for my dissertation.

June 2023: I successfully passed my dissertation proposal!

Apr 2023: My Doctorial Consortium paper titled 'Mapping the Smart City: Participatory approaches to XAI' got accepted for publication in the 2023 DIS Designing Interactive Systems

Feb 2023: My short paper titled 'Making Smart Cities Explainable: What XAI Can Learn from the “Ghost Map”' got accepted for publication in the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
